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The Why Not Gallery is a Tbilisi-based contemporary art gallery dedicated to supporting and promoting young Georgian artists. Founded in 2018, by friends and fellow colleagues artist Gvantsa Jishkariani and curator Ellen Kapanadze, the gallery was first conceived as an experimental not-for-profit project space that chose a vitrine in an underground passageway as its first location.


Dedicated to challenging the accepted norms and conventions, the gallery moved to its first permanent space in 2020 and started working on larger exhibitions program. Soon it established itself on the Georgian arts scene as the main destination for discovering exciting emerging Georgian artists. Providing full support, the gallery often organises the artists’ first solo shows and acts as an instigator to their careers.


The gallery is dedicated to providing a platform for all sorts of experimentations and trials. In 2022 launched a new space, dedicated to more experimental projects that hosts a variety of creatives not limited to the field of visual arts.


Apart from the exhibition-making, the gallery also runs the project The Why Not Gift Shop, where it collaborates with artists and produces limited edition items. The collaborations translate the artists’ practices in unexpected ways and result in affordable, yet unique finds. The project also provides additional source of income for the young artists and contributes to developing the scene.

Since 2023 we're proud members of NADA

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